
Title Author Published Date Type Tags View Abstract
Verzeichnisdienste für Hochschulen auf Open Source GrundlagePeter GietzWorkshop Informations- und Verzeichnisdienste, Heinrich Heine Universität, Düsseldorf2002-10-11presentationLDAP, Directory, OpenSource, Education, DFNTOC: Einführung in LDAP, LDAP-Anwendungen, LDAP im Internationalen Forschungsumfeld, Verzeichnisdienste im DFN Umfeld, Geschichte der, DAASI International GmbH, Universitätsprojekte, Fazit
Verzeichnisdienste für Hochschulen auf Open Source GrundlagePeter GietzInformations- und Verzeichnisdienste in Hochschulen / Tagungsband., Hg. Jan v. Knop und Friedrich Bode2002-10-11articleLDAP, Directory, OpenSource, DFNTOC: Einführung in Verzeichnisdienste und LDAP, Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von LDAP, LDAP in nationalem und internationalem Forschungsumfeld
Verzeichnisdienstprojekte im DFNPeter Gietz37. DFN-Betriebstagung, Berlin2002-11-12presentationX.500, AMBIX, Directory, Unified Login, Certificate, PKITOC: AMBIX, X.500, DFN Directory Services, Status des aktuellen Projekts, Rückblick, Ausblick
An LDAPv3 Schema for X.509 CertificatesPeter Gietz, Norbert Klasen55. IETF, PKIX Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA2002-11-20presentationLDAP, Schema, X.509, Certificate, DIT, CIPTOC: Motivation and General Idea, Changes in -01 ID, Proposed changes from list discussions, Open issues and future work
Directory related work in the Global Grid ForumPeter Gietz3. TF-LSD Meeting, Antalya, Turkey2001-05-14presentationGrid, GGF, GIS, Directory, TF-LSDTOC: What is the Grid?, What is new?, Directory related work in GGF, GIS WG Charter, GIS WG Documents, Security WG Charter, Grid Security Infrastructure, GIS Documents, GGF Certificate Policy Activity, TF-LSD and GGF
AGENDA 3rd TF-LSD MeetingPeter Gietz3. TF-LSD Meeting, Antalya, Turkey2001-05-13presentationTF-LSDAgenda des 3. TF-LSD-Meeting in Antalya/Türkei am 13.05.01
Concept for deliverable on privacy issues on pan-European White Pages ServicePeter Gietz3. TF-LSD Meeting, Antalya, Turkey2001-05-13presentationTF-LSD, White Pages, PrivacyTOC: Preliminary remarks, European privacy legislation, Other texts on the matter, Privacy issues of the CIP WPS, Organizational and technical solutions
Project Proposal: Definition of an European Educational Person (DEEP) Peter Gietz3. TF-LSD-Meeting, Antalya, Turkey2001-05-13presentationDEEP, EduPersonTOC: Project Proposal: Definition of an European Educational Person (DEEP), Justification, Deliverables
TERENA activitiesPeter Gietz1. Global Grid Forum, Amsterdam, Netherlands2001-03-06presentationTERENA, TF-LSDTOC: TERENA activities, TF-LSD, TF-LSD cont., Related TERENA activities, Questions?
Introductory LDAP Peter Gietz1. Global Grid Forum , Amsterdam, Netherlands2001-03-05presentationLDAP, X.500, Directory, DIT, DN, RFC, LDIF, CIP, PKIX, PGP, Encryptionon RequestTOC: What is a Directory?, What is X.500?, What is LDAP?, What can you do with it?
Einsatzmoeglichkeiten fuer Directory-Anwendungen im DFN-UmfeldPeter Gietz34. DFN Betriebstagung, Directory-Forum, Berlin2001-02-06presentationDirectory, DFN, MiddlewareTOC: Zukunft der Directory-Arbeiten im DFN-Umfeld, Konzept Middleware, Warum Directories, Directory-Anwendungen
TF-LSD DeliverablesPeter Gietz2nd TF-LSD meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands2001-02-02presentationTF-LSD, CIP, White PagesTOC: Taxonomy draft and CIP work, A. TF-LSD information site, B. CIP implementations interoperability, C. Privacy Study, D. European White Pages service specs, E. Experimental White Pages service, F. X.521-DC interoperability, All the rest
TF-LSD-EduPersonPeter Gietz2nd TF-LSD meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands2001-02-02presentationEduPerson, InetOrgPerson, TF-LSDTOC: EduPerson Working Group, EduPerson Objectclass, New developments, What shall we do about it?
Feindbild Islam - Peter Scholl-Latour, der Islam und die MedienMedienprojekt Tübinger ReligionswissenschaftUniradio Tübingen (UKW 100,9)1991-06-09broadcastMediaon Request
An Epic and Puranic BibliographyH.v. Stietencron, K.-P. Gietz, P. Flamm et al.Verlag Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden1992bookBibliographyISBN 3-447-03028-3
Der Islam in den MedienMedienprojekt Tübinger ReligionswissenschaftGütersloher Verlagshaus, Gütersloh1994bookMediaISBN 3-579-01789-6
Das Bild des Islam auf der Straße - Versuch einer RezeptionsanalyseMedienprojekt Tübinger ReligionswissenschaftDer Islam in den Medien, p. 170-83, Hg. Gütersloher Verlagshaus1994bookMediaISBN 3-579-01789-6
X.500 für alle - Das DFN-Projekt AMBIXP. Gietz, R. Schneider, K. SpanierDFN-Mitteilungen 42, p. 23-24, Hg. Verein zur Förderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes e.V.1996-11articleX.500, DFN, AMBIXABSTRACT: Das X.500-Verzeichnis, eine weltweit verteilte, weltweit zugängliche, von internationalen Normierungsgremien (ISO und ITU) standardisierte Datenbank, erfreut sich vor allem in Europa zunehmender Beliebtheit. Mit dem DFN-Projekt AMBIX ist es möglich , Personendaten aus Projekten und Einrichtungen komfortabel und datenschutzrechtlich abgesichert einzugeben und aktuell zu halten.
Sicherheitsaspekte im X.500 und im Projekt AMBIXPeter GietzDFN-Bericht Nr. 841997-07articleX.500, AMBIX, Security
Requirements for the future NameFLOW Directory ServicePeter GietzDANTE in Print No. 35, Hg. DANTE, Cambridge1998-07articleNameFlow, Directory
Requirements for storing PGP keys in the DirectoryPeter Gietz1999-03-16articlePGP, Directory, EncryptionABSTRACT: PGP is developing into one of the main public key infrastructures (PKI) in the Internet. This paper argues that Directory support of PGP infrastructure can help overcome some of the drawbacks of this PKI. It also states some general requirements for a storage model for PGP keys.
Zur Neustrukturierung des Deutschen Teilbaums im X.500/LDAP DirectoryPeter GietzDS-Info 2, Hg. DFN, Directory1999-10-29articleX.500, LDAP, Directory, German SubtreeABSTRACT: Aufgrund der kontinuierlichen Zunahme von Organisationseinträgen im deutschen Teilbaum des X.500 wird dessen Neustrukturierung zwingend notwendig. In diesem Text wird angestrebt, durch Einführung von zusätzlichen Gliederungsebenen eine neue Struktur zu definieren, die den antizipierten Bedürfnissen der Zukunft gerecht werden kann. Nach einer Beschreibung des Ist-Zustands und seiner Probleme und nach Referierung einiger bisheriger Arbeiten zum Thema wird eine Strukturierung nach geografischen Gesichtspunkten definiert. Schließlich wird das Konzept der "Sichtweisen", also Aliase, die gleichartige Organisationseinträge gruppieren, beschrieben und ihre Anwendung im deutschen Teilbaum definiert.
AMBIX-D - Stand und Ergebnisse Peter Gietz20. DFN-Betriebstagung, Berlin1994-10-05presentationAMBIX
Sicherheitsaspekte im X.500 und im Projekt AMBIX Peter Gietz4. Workshop Sicherheit in vernetzten Systemen , Hamburg1997-03-04presentationX.500, AMBIX, SecurityThis presentation deals with: "security aspects in the project AMBIX and X.500"; TOC: 1. Security im X.500, 2. Security im Projekt AMBIX
The Millenium Bug in Quipu Software Peter GietzNameFLOW LDAP Pilot Meeting , London, Heathrow1998-05-29presentationMillenium Bug, Quipu
NameFLOW Update Peter GietzLDAP Service Deployment WG, 42nd IETF , Chicago1998-08-15presentationNameFLOW, IETF
NameFLOW Status ReportPeter GietzNameFLOW Meeting , Utrecht1999-01-18presentationNameFLOW
Future Directions of Directory White Pages ServicesPeter GietzNetworkshop 27, University of Warwick1999-03-22presentationDirectory, White Pages
DESIRE II LDAP Indexing SystemPeter Gietz45th IETF, LDAP Service Deployment - Take 2 BoF, Oslo1999-06-15presentationDESIRE II, LDAPTOC: DESIRE II, Distributed Indexing System, Gathering of Index Objects, Distribution, Query Routing, Architecture of the Referral Server, Security Considerations
Future Plans of DFN Directory ServicesPeter GietzNameFLOW Meeting, London, England2000-01-20presentationDFN, DirectoryTOC: New structure for c=DE, New policy for c=DE, Hybrid Directory, New research topics
DESIRE II LDAP Indexing System and Metadata Enhanced Web IndexingPeter GietzDESIRE II Web Indexing Workshop, Delft, Netherlands2000-05-14presentationDESIRE II, LDAP, MetadataTOC: I. The DESIRE II Indexing system: Distributed Indexing System, Gathering and distribution of Index Objects, Query Routing, Architecture of the Referral Server, Security Considerations. II. Usage for metadata enhanced web indexing, Requirements, Metadata formats, Other LDAP based Projects, DSML, Architecture proposal
PKI and storage of PGP and X.509 certificates in LDAPPeter GietzLDAP Service Deployment BoF, Amsterdam, Netherlands2000-05-12presentationPKI, Certificate, LDAP, PGP, X.509, EncryptionTOC: Why distribute public keys on Server?, The classic: X.509, IETF PKIX, LDAP work on X.509, PGP Keyserver, A CA based Infrastructure for NRNs
Index Object Schema and Replication InfrastructurePeter GietzLDAP Service Deployment BoF, Amsterdam, Netherlands2000-05-12presentationLDAP, SchemaTOC: Index Object Schema: The Problem, Crawler Policy, TIO schema, Proposal. Replication infrastructure: Registration of server, TIO distribution.
Directory Enabled Networks, a new trend in Networking?Peter GietzLDAP Service Deployment BoF (not presented), Amsterdam, Netherlands2000-05-12presentationDirectory, DEN, CIM, QoSTOC: Working groups involved, Basics of DEN, Common Information Model (CIM), Quality of Service (QoS), Policy
An LDAP/X.500 based distributed PGP KeyserverPeter GietzFirst PGP Keyserver Manager Symposium , Utrecht, Netherlands2000-05-22presentationPGP, LDAP, X.500, EncryptionTOC: PKI and Directory (X.500, LDAP), PGP Keyserver (The current PKSD and its problems, New concepts), Directory based PGP keyserver (Standardization process, Status, Objectclasses)
DESIRE II LDAP Indexing System and Metadata Enhanced Data ManagementPeter GietzGRID Workshop , Bologna, Italy2000-06-26presentationDESIRE II, LDAP, MetadataTOC: I. The DESIRE II Indexing system: Distributed Indexing System, Gathering and distribution of Index Objects, Query Routing, Architecture of the Referral Server, Security Considerations. II. Usage for metadata enhanced web indexing: Requirements, Metadata formats, Other LDAP based Projects, DSML, Architecture proposal
An Introduction to LDAP and its applicationsPeter Gietz6th CEENET Workshop on Network Technology, Budapest, Hungary2000-08-24presentation LDAPTOC: What is a Directory, What is X.500, What is LDAP
Weitere Entwicklungen um LDAPPeter Gietz33. DFN Betriebstagung, Directory Forum, Berlin2000-10-10presentationLDAPThis presentation deals with: "Further LDAP developments". TOC: LDAPext (LDAP Extensions), LDAPbis (LDAP Revision), LDUP (LDAP Duplication and Replication Protocols), LCUP (LDAP Client Update Protocol), DIRECT (Directory Replication Coordination), TF LSD (Task Force LDAP Service Deployment), [LDAP und DEN (Directory Enabled Networks)]
PKI und DirectoryPeter GietzPKI Symposium, Workshop "Wer suchet der findet", Karlsruhe2000-10-11presentationPKI, DirectoryThis presentation deals with: "PKI and Directory" TOC: DDS und DSI, Positionsdarstellung
Das DFN-Projekt AMBIX-D - X.500 für allePeter GietzVDI, Albstadt-Ebingen1996-05-08presentationAMBIX, X.500The DFN project AMBIX-D - X.500 for everybody
DFN-Projekt AMBIX-D - Stand und neue Strategien zur Erhebung größerer DatenmengenPeter Gietz24. DFN-Betriebstagung, Berlin1996-03-06presentationAMBIX, DFN
AMBIX: DFN-weite Unterstützung elektronischer KommunikationPeter Gietz25. DFN-Betriebstagung, Berlin1996-10-15presentationDFN, X.500, Directory, AMBIXThis presentation deals with: "DFN-wide support of electronic communication"
X.500 und Directory-Dienste unter Windows NT Peter GietzZDV-NT-Seminar , Tübingen, Germany1997-04-04presentationX.500, Directory, WindowsTOC: 1. Einführung in X.500, 1.1 Der Standard und seine Entwicklung, 1.2 Aufbau und Struktur, 1.2.1 Der Namensbereich und seine Verteilung, 1.2.2 Das Client/Server-Modell und seine Protokolle, 1.2.3 Das Informationsmodell, 1.2.4 Operationen und ihre Zugriffskontrolle, 1.2.5 Authentifizierung: X.509, 1.2.6 Verantwortlichkeiten bei der Verwaltung, 1.3 Die Einbindung in das WWW, 1.4 Das DFN-Projekt AMBIX, 2 Directory Dienste unter Windows NT, 2.1 Allgemeine Aufgaben von Directory Diensten, 2.2 LDAP, die anerkannte Directoryschnittstelle, 2.3 Directory-Produkte für Windows NT, 2.4 Serverkonzept von Netscape, 2.5 Verschiedene Directory Scenarien, 2.6 M$ Active Directory, 3 Literaturhinweise
X.500-Index-DSAs - Technologie, Standards und ihre AnwendungsmöglichkeitenPeter Gietz27. DFN-Betriebstagung , Berlin1997-10-28presentationX.500, DSAThis presentation deals with: "X.500-Index-DSAs - technology, standards and application"
Directory Enabled NetworksPeter GietzBelwue Netzdienste AG, Stuttgart, Germany2000-02-24presentationDirectory, DEN, CIM, QoSTOC: Beteiligte Arbeitsgruppen, Grundzüge von DEN, CIM, QoS, Policy
Neue Entwicklungen bei LDAPPeter Gietz32. DFN Betriebstagung, Berlin, Germany2000-03-23presentationLDAP, Access Control, AuthenticationThis presentation deals with: "New LDAP developments". TOC: LDAP Core und Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten, neuere Ldapext-RFCs, neuere Ldapext-Drafts, Andere IETF WGs mit LDAP Drafts, Access Control, Authentifizierung, [LDAP und DEN]
Verteilung von Zertifikaten, der Verzeichnisdienst für PKIPeter Gietz1. PCA Tutorium, Hamburg, Germany2000-03-29presentationCertificate, Directory, PKIThis presentation deals with: "Distribution of certificates, the directory service for PKI". TOC: Warum Schlüssel verteilen?, Klassisches Konzept: X.509, IETF PKIX, Anwendungen von X.509: S/MIME und SSL, PGP Keyserver, Neuere Serverkonzepte, LDAP-basierte Server
IETF work on LDAPPeter GietzNameFLOW LDAP Pilot Meeting, London, Heathrow1998-05-29presentationLDAP, IETF, NameFLOW
Data modelling in Grid Information Services Peter GietzGrid Information Services Workshop, Edinburgh2003-04-24presentationGrid Information ServicesTOC: 1. The Problem, 1.1 Definitions, 1.2 tasks, 2. The solutions, 2.1 Technologies and their information model, 2.1.1 LDAP, 2.1.2 RDBMS, 2.1.3 XML/OGSA, 2.2 Data modelling, 3. Where to go from here
Directory Schema Registry: Concept and Implementation ProgressPeter GietzTERENA Network Conference and CARNet Users' Conference, Zagreb, Croatia2003-05-19presentationDirectory, Schema, Schema RegistryTOC: Motivation, Project Plan, Survey of previous work on directory related technologies, Existing LDAP schema, Incorporation and usage policy, Metadata format and DIT structure, Software design, Implementation progress, Business Model
The LDAP Schema RegistryPeter GietzSchema-ng Bar BoF at the 57th IETF, Vienna, Austria2003-07-16presentationLDAP, Schema Registry1. short update on the TERENA Directory Schema Registry project, 2. collecting interests in schema listing/registry, 3. discussion about what work should be done with the old and now resubmitted drafts, 4. discussion about if there is a need for schema-ng which may include subjects like XML-S and RDF-S. 5. aob
FIRS and CRISP RequirementsPeter Gietzcrisp Meeting, 57th IETF, Vienna, Austria2003-07-16presentationFIRS, CRISP
LDAP ItemsDavid Chadwick, Peter GietzPKIX WG, 57th IETF, Vienna, Austria2003-07-16presentationLDAPLDAPv3 Profile, New strings for RDNs, LDAP schema for attribute extraction, LDAPv3 protocol update, LDAP schema for component matching, Finding the LDAP server of a subject, ;binary
LDAP crawlers: use cases, dangers and how to cope with themPeter Gietz2nd OpenLDAP Developers Day, Vienna, Austria2003-07-18presentationLDAPWhat can crawlers do?, Proposal for crawler policy definition, Crawler detection mechansims that could be implemented in the server
LDAP - concepts, applications, practical problemsPeter GietzChaos Communication Camp 2003, Paulshof/Altlandsberg, Germany2003-08-09presentationLDAPTOC: 1. Introduction to LDAP, 1.1 What is a Directory, 1.2 LDAP heritage: X.500 and history of LDAP, 1.3 Information model, 1.4 Operational model, 1.5 LDAP security, 1.6 Open Source implementation OpenLDAP, 2. Applications of LDAP technology, 2.1 White and Yellow Pages, 2.2 Central authentication service, 2.3 Unified login with OpenLDAPand Samba. 2.4 Unified password with LDAP enabled applications, 2.5 Single Sign On with Kerberos
Policy Management AuthorityPeter GietzGGF 4, GCP WG, Toronto, Ontario Canada2002-02-17presentationPolicy Management AuthorityTOC: PMA and ist Roles, Functions of the PMA, Structure of the PMA committee, Meetings of the PMA committee, Process of interoperability evaluation
SemRA Proposal / Possible cooperations for a 6th FW ProposalPeter GietzPortal Coordination Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands2002-03-14presentationSemRA, Semantic Web, FW, OntologyTOC: SemRA proposal, Semantic Web, FW 6 proposal
An LDAPv3 Schema for X.509 CertificatesPeter GietzIETF 53, PKIX Meeting, Minneapolis, MN/USA2002-03-20presentationLDAP, Schema, X.509TOC: Motivation, Schema as a simple solution, x509certificate object class, Additional rule, DIT Structure in white-pages services, DIT Structure in certificate repositories, CIP Architecture, Related work, Where do we want to go from here?
Verzeichnisdienstanwendungen für Hochschulen auf OpenSource BasisPeter Gietz6. Tagung der DFN-Nutzergruppe Hochschulverwaltung - Verwaltung@eUniversity, Potsdam2003-05-15presentationDirectory, OpenSource, EducationTOC: 1. DFN-Verzeichnisdiensprojekte und DAASI International, 2. Eigenschaften von LDAP, 3. Anwendungen, 3.1 Kontaktinformationsdienst, 3.2 Authentifizierung, 3.3 Metadirectory, 3.4 LDAP und PKI, 3.5 LDAP im Bereich Digital Libraries
Neues Konzept für einen DFN-weiten ZertifikatsserverPeter Gietz17. DFN-Arbeitstagung über Kommunikationsnetze, Düsseldorf, Germany2003-06-12presentationCertificate, DFNThis presentation deals with: New concepts for a DFN-wide certificate server TOC: 1. DFN Projekt: Directory Kompetenzzentrum, 2. Eigenschaften von LDAP, 3. LDAP und PKI, 4. PKI/LDAP Projekt in Baden Württemberg, 5. DFN-weite PKI?
Projektvorschlag Metadirectory KompetenzzentrumPeter GietzZKI AK Zentrale Verzeichnisdienste (Gründungssitzung), Humboldt Universität zu Berlin2003-12-09presentationDirectory, Identity Management, MetadirectoryTOC: Verzeichnisdienste und Identity Management, Metadirectory und Provisioning, Projektidee Metadirectory Kompetenzzentrum
Chancen und Risiken LDAP-basierter zentraler AuthentifizierungssystemePeter Gietz11. Workshop "Sicherheit in vernetzten Systemen" / Workshop-Band (ISBN 3-00-012959-6), Hg. Marco Thorbrügge, Hamburg2004-02-03articleLDAP, AuthenticationABSTRACT: LDAP wird zunehmend für Authentifizierungsprozesse verwendet und hat sich diesbezüglich zu einem Standard-Mechanismus entwickelt. Viele Anwendungen besitzen eine integrierte LDAP-Schnittstelle für die Authentifizierung von Benutzern und auch Login-Prozesse können über LDAP abgewickelt werden. Dies hat den Vorteil, dass ein Benutzer sich nur ein einziges Passwort merken und der Administrator nur eine einzige Benutzerverwaltung administrieren muss. Allerdings wird die Kompromittierung des zentralen Passworts auch zu einem erhöhten Sicherheitsrisiko, weshalb die Sicherung der in LDAP gespeicherten Passwörter eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für LDAP-basierte zentrale Authentifizierungssysteme ist. Der Beitrag führt in das Thema ein, beleuchtet die diesbezüglichen Bedrohungsszenarien, sowie die verschiedenen möglichen Abwehrmaßnahmen.
Chancen und Risiken LDAP-basierter zentraler AuthentifizierungssystemePeter Gietz11. DFN-CERT/PCA Workshop "Sicherheit in vernetzten Systemen", Hamburg2004-02-03presentationLDAP, AuthenticationTOC: Identity Management, Kurzdarstellung von LDAP, Authentifizierung in LDAP, LDAP für Authentifizierung bei Login-Prozessen, Authentifizierung und Authorisierung in Anwendungen, Integrationsmöglichkeiten
Tutorium Identity ManagementPeter Gietz18. DFN-Arbeitstagung über Kommunikationsnetze, Düsseldorf2004-06-01presentationIdentity Managementon RequestTOC: 1. Einführung in Identity Management, 2. Grundbausteine in Identity Management Systemen, 3. Relevante Technologien, 4. Schemata im Hochschulbereich, 5. Produktübersicht Identity Management, 6. Identity Management and deutschen Hochschulen
Directory Schema Registry - Its Concept, Implementation and FuturePeter GietzFirst TERENA Task Force EMC2 Meeting, Amsterdam2004-11-04presentationDirectory, Schema RegistryTOC: Motivation, Project Plan, Survey of previous work on directory schema registry related technologies, Existing LDAP schema, Incorporation and usage policy, Metadata format and DIT structure, Software design, Implemention progress, Business Model, Possible Future Steps
OpenCA and the PKI-LDAP ProjectPeter GietzOpenCA Workshop, TU München2004-10-11presentationPKI, LDAP, OpenCATOC: Introduction to PKI/LDAP-Project, Central server components, LDAP integration and OpenCA, OpenCA evaluation
Ein Vorschlag zur Veröffentlichung von X.509-ZertifikatenPeter GietzOberseminar Theoretische Informatik, TU Darmstadt2004-11-30presentationLDAP, PKI, DFN, DirectoryTOC: DFN Projekt: Directory Kompetenzzentrum, Eigenschaften von LDAP, LDAP und PKI, PKI/LDAP Projekt in Baden-Württemberg, DFN-weite PKI?
Projekt PKI-LDAP - Das Teilprojekt Zentrale ServerPeter GietzTreffen des ZKI Arbeitskreis Verzeichnisdienste, Ilmenau2004-12-15presentationPKI, LDAPTOC: PKI/LDAP Projekt in Baden Württemberg, LDAP und PKI, DFN-weite PKI?
Shibboleth Service Provider - Konfiguration und Einbindung bestehender Web-AnwendungenMartin HaaseShibboleth-"Hands-on"-Workshop des LANIT, Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Göttingen mbh (GDWG)2009-03-25presentationShibboleth, Service Provider, Web Serviceson RequestTOC: Übersicht, Installation des SP, Konfiguration des SP, Allgemeines, Hauptkonfigurationsdateien, Attributverarbeitung, Zugriffskontrolle, Ansätze zur Erweiterung
Shibboleth 2 und InteroperabilitätPeter GietzHerbsttreffen 2009 des ZKI-Arbeitskreises Verzeichnisdienste, TU Dresden2009-10-05presentationShibboleth, SAML, Federated Identity Managementon Request
Role Based Access Control in Web Services based enterprise ITPeter GietzSiebtes Heidelberger Innovationsforum, Heidelberg2008-11-25presentationRBAC, Web Serviceson RequestTOC: Web Services enterprise IT, Role Based Access control, OpenRBAC
Autorisierungsattribute in einer Shibboleth-FöderationPeter Gietz4. Shibboleth Workshop, DFN, Berlin2007-02-28presentationAttribute, Authorization, Shibboleth, SAML, Federated Identity Managementon RequestEinführung in (Federated) Identity Management, Attribute: Standardisiertes LDAP-Schema, Datenschutz, DFN-AAI
New trends in Identity ManagementPeter GietzYu Info 2007, Koapaonik, Serbia2007-03-11presentationIdentity Managementon Request
IdM projects in GermanyPeter GietzTERENA SEEREN2 Winter School, Koapaonik, Serbia2007-03-13presentationIdentity Managementon Request
Introduction to Authentication mechanismsPeter GietzTERENA SEEREN2 Winter School, Koapaonik, Serbia2007-03-13presentationAuthenticationon Request
Introduction to LDAPPeter GietzTERENA SEEREN2 Winter School, Koapaonik, Serbia2007-03-13presentationLDAPon Request
Directories in real lifePeter GietzTERENA SEEREN2 Winter School, Koapaonik, Serbia2007-03-13presentationDirectory, LDAPon Request
Overview of schemas used for IdMsPeter GietzTERENA SEEREN2 Winter School, Koapaonik, Serbia2007-03-13presentationSchema, LDAP, Identity Managementon Request
CEENet Technology (Security Draft)Peter Gietz, Merike Kaeo, Wolfgang Schneider2007-09-17documentCEENet, Securityon Request
Identity Management for Secure Research and Education NetworksPeter Gietz5th CEENet Workshop on Network Management, Mazedonien, Ohrid2007-09-16presentationIdentity Management, Educationon Request
Stand der Niedersächsischen Föderation (Nds-AAI)Peter GietzZKI Arbeitskreis Verzeichnisdienste, Zentren für Kommunikation und Informationsverarbeitung e. V. (ZKI), Hamburg / Universität Hamburg2007-10-11presentationNds-AAI, SAML, Shibboleth, Federation, Federated Identity Managementon Request
DFN-AAI Sicherheitsanforderungen und neue AttributePeter GietzZKI Arbeitskreis Verzeichnisdienste, Zentren für Kommunikation und Informationsverarbeitung e. V. (ZKI), Hamburg / Universität Hamburg2007-10-12presentationDFN-AAI, SAML, Shibboleth, Federated Identity Management, Federation, Attributeon Request
Kommunikation zwischen IdM-System und Shibboleth-IdP am Beispiel der Niedersachsen-AAIPeter Gietz5. Shibboleth Workshop, Berlin2007-10-07presentationShibboleth, Identity Management, SAMLon Request
Trust Issues in Shibboleth-Enabled Federated Grid Authentication and Authorization Infrastructures Supporting Multiple Grid Middleware. Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid ComputingC. Grimm, R. Groeper, S. Makedanz, H. Pfeiffenberger, P. Gietz, M. Haase, M. Schiffers, W. ZieglerThird IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing, Bangalore, Indien2007-12-10presentationShibboleth, Security, SAML, Federated Identity Management, Gridon Request
Schema Standards und Federated Identity ManagementPeter GietzZKI Arbeitskreis Verzeichnisdienste, Zentren für Kommunikation und Informationsverarbeitung e. V. (ZKI), Halle2007-02-12presentationFederated Identity Management, SAML, Shibbolethon Request
Standardbasierte LDAP-Schemata für Personen- und Organisationsdaten (Ergebnisbericht LDAP-AG)Peter Gietz2006-02-23documentLDAP, Schemaon Request
Bericht über die Arbeiten der LDAP AG (Layer Infrastructure / Middleware)Peter GietzBaden-Württemberg Connected, Abschlussveranstaltung bwcon:boss (Baden-Württemberg Open Source LayerS), Stuttgart2006-02-23presentationLDAP, Middlewareon Request
DFN-AAI Technische und organisatorische Voraussetzungen - Identity Management v09.3 (Draft)Peter Gietz, Christian Grimm, Hans Pfeiffenberger, Alfred Wegener, Renate Schroeder2006-05-04documentDFN-AAI, SAML, Shibboleth, Identity Management, Federated Identity Managementon Request
TextGrid - a modular platform for collaborative textual editingAndreas Aschenbrenner, Peter Gietz, Marc Wilhelm Küster, Christoph Ludwig, Heike Neuroth2006-09-21documentGrid, TextGridon Request
OpenLDAP and PerlPeter GietzLinuxTag 2005, Karlsruhe2005-06-23presentationPerl, OpenLDAPon Request
Identity Management und domainübergreifende InfrastrukturenPeter GietzZKI Arbeitskreis Verzeichnisdienste, Zentren für Kommunikation und Informationsverarbeitung e. V. (ZKI), Frankfurt a. M.2005-10-05presentationIdentity Managementon Request
LDAP Authentication and LDAP-based Certification RequestingPeter GietzOpenCA Workshop 2005, Technische Universität München2005-10-17presentationLDAP, Authentication, Certificateon Request
Metadirectories und Identity Management an deutschen HochschulenPeter Gietz40. DFN-Betriebstagung, Verein zur Förderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes (DFN), Berlin2004-03-09presentationIdentity Management, Educationon Request
PHP und OpenLDAPPeter GietzLinuxTag 2004, Karlsruhe2004-06-26presentationOpenLDAP, PHPon Request
Einführung in OpenLDAPPeter GietzLinuxtag 2004, Karlsruhe2004-06-26presentationOpenLDAPon Request
The LDAP Schema Registry and its requirements on Slapd developmentPeter GietzOpenLDAP Developers' Day 2003, San Francisco / California, USA2003-03-21presentationSlapd, LDAP, Schema, Schema Registryon Request
Einsatz von LDAP in Systemadministration und Verwaltung von HochschulenPeter GietzAK-SYS 2003, Seminar "Administration heterogener verteilter Rechnersysteme", Zentren für Kommunikation und Informationsverarbeitung e. V. (ZKI), Witten2003-03-27presentationLDAP, Administration, Educationon Request
Einführung in LDAP und seine AnwendungsmöglichkeitenPeter GietzScience + Computing, Tübingen2003-07-24presentationLDAPon Request
Zukunftssicheres Schema für Verzeichnisdienste im universitären UmfeldPeter GietzELAN Workshop Authentifizierung, eLearning Academic Network Niedersachsen, Göttingen2003-11-27presentationSchema, Directory, Educationon Request
Verzeichnisdienste und Identity ManagementPeter GietzELAN Workshop Authentifizierung, eLearning Academic Network Niedersachsen, Göttingen2003-11-27presentationDirectory, Identity Managementon Request
Privacy Issues of a Public pan-European White Pages Directory servicePeter Gietz5th Meeting TF-LSD Meeting (TERENA Task Force LDAP Service Deployment), Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association (TERENA), Amsterdam2002-03-12presentationPrivacy, Directory, White Pageson Request
Projektbericht: Ausbau und Weiterbetrieb eines Directory KompetenzzentrumsPeter Gietz36. DFN-Betriebstagung, Verein zur Förderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes (DFN), Berlin2002-03-27presentationDirectory, DFNon Request
Chancen durch Verzeichnisdienste im Intra- und Internet Peter GietzGründermesse Junited 2002, Industrie- und Handelskammer Deutschland, Reutlingen2002-04-04presentationDirectoryon Request
LDAP and the GridPeter GietzCCGrid2002 - 2nd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, Berlin2002-05-21presentationLDAP, Gridon Request
Knowledge Technologies for a Semantic Web: The Role of DirectoriesPeter GietzTERENA Networking Conference 2002, Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association (TERENA), Limerick, Irland2002-06-03presentationSemantic Web, Directoryon Request
Common Information Model (CIM) WG Area: Performance and Information ServicesPeter Gietz5th Global Grid Forum, Edinburgh, Scotland2002-07-21presentationCIMon Request
The Role of Directories in emerging network technologyPeter Gietz4th CARNet Users Conference - CUC 2002 , Kroatien, Zagreb2007-09-27presentationDirectoryon Request
Discussion of potential architecture and system integration solutions for SEMKOSPeter GietzSEMKOS Meeting, London / England2002-12-05presentationSEMKOSon Request
Identity Management an deutschen HochschulenPeter Gietz2004-07-19documentIdentity Management, Educationon Request
Active Directory, Novell NDS und LDAP unter LinuxPeter Gietz, Norbert KlasenBelwue NetzAK Treffen, Stuttgart2001-05-10presentationDirectory, LDAP, Novell, Linux, Active Directory, NDSon Request
DAASI International GmbH und das ZDVPeter GietzZentrum für Datenverarbeitung (ZDV) der Universität Tübingen 2001-01-26presentationDAASI, ZDVon Request
Workshop Identity Management an der FH-FrankfurtPeter Gietz, Markus WidmerFH Frankfurt2009-02-16presentationIdentity Management, Education, Identity Managementon Request
Workshop Identity Management, LDAP und SambaPeter GietzFH München2006-02-22presentationIdentity Management, LDAP, Sambaon Request
Zentrale Authentifizierung mit OpenLDAP, Samba 3 und SuSE Linux 9.3Markus Widmer2006-02-20documentAuthentication, OpenLDAP, Samba, Linuxon Request
Identity Management auf OpenSource BasisPeter GietzKOMCOM SÜD 2006, Forum Linux in der öffentlichen Verwaltung, Karlsruhe2006-05-09presentationIdentity Management, OpenSourceon Request
Identity Management mit OpenLDAPPeter GietzWorkshop zu Föderation Niedersachsen, Hannover2006-11-16presentationIdentity Management, OpenLDAPon Request
Einführung in Shibboleth und das Projekt NDS-AAIPeter GietzNds-AAI Workshop, RRZN Hannover2007-09-25presentationShibboleth, SAML, Federated Identity Management, Nds-AAIon Request
Einführung in Perl Teil IPeter GietzZDV Kurs, Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung der Universität Tübingen2006-03-07presentationPerlon Request
Einführung in CGI-Programmierung mit PerlPeter GietzZDV-Kurs, Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung der Universität Tübingen2006-03-07presentationPerl, CGIon Request
Neues Konzept für einen DFN-weiten ZertifikatsserverPeter Gietz2005-05-05documentDFN, Certificateon Request
Identity Management mit OpenLDAPPeter GietzSYSTEMS 2007, Perspektive Open Source Forum, München2007-10-24presentationIdentity Management, OpenLDAPon Request
Shibboleth-Grundlagen und aktuelle EntwicklungenPeter GietzShibboleth-"Hands-on"-Workshop des LANIT, Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Göttingen mbh (GDWG)2009-03-25presentationShibboleth, Federated Identity Management, SAMLon RequestTOC: Einführung in Föderationen, Einführung in Shibboleth, Die niedersächsische Föderation Nds-AAI
Implementing a unified login for Windows and Unix clientsPeter GietzSamba Experience 2003, Göttingen2003-04-14presentationUnified Loginon Request
Ldap-based repositories for Meta-Data and OntologiesPeter GietzNetLab and friends: Tribute and outlook after 10 years of digital library development (Netlab Conference), Schweden, Lund2002-04-10presentationLDAP, Metadata, Ontologyon Request
TASK Procom: Grid-Evaluation für die Baden-Württembergische WirtschaftPeter GietzMFG Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart2005-01-01presentationGridon Request
TextGrid - Workflow StandardsMartin HaaseTextGrid Projekttreffen, Darmstadt2006-02-28presentationTextGridon Request
Erster Erfahrungsbericht über WebService-Programmierung mit Globus Toolkit 4Frank KnollTextGrid Projekttreffen, Darmstadt2006-02-28presentationTextGrid, Grid, Globus Toolkit, Web Serviceson Request
Authentifizierung und Autorisierung im Grid: GridShib oder VOMSPeter GietzTextGrid Projekttreffen, Darmstadt2006-02-28presentationGrid, TextGrid, GridShib, VOMSon Request
Die Grid-Dienste von Globus-Toolkit Peter GietzTextGrid Projekttreffen, Würzburg2006-04-20presentationGrid, Globus Toolkit, TextGridon Request
Die Grid-Dienste von Globus-Toolkit 4Peter Gietz, Frank KnollTextGrid Projekttreffen, Göttingen2006-06-26presentationTextGrid, Grid, Globus Toolkiton Request
Workflow-Editoren für das GridMartin HaaseTextGrid Projekttreffen, Göttingen2006-06-26presentationTextGrid, Gridon Request
International Directory InitiativesPeter GietzTERENA Networking Conference 2001, Turkish Academic and Research Network, Antalya, Turkey2001-05-16presentationDirectoryon Request
Identity Management auf Open-Source-BasisPeter GietzT-SYSTEMS, Darmstadt2007-11-01presentationIdentity Management, Open Sourceon Request
Metadirectory-Projekt an der Universitätsbibliothek KasselPeter GietzWorkshop, Universitätsbibliothek Kassel2006-07-13presentationMetadirectory, Educationon Request
Einführung in IdM und LDAPPeter GietzWorkshop, Rechenzentrum der Uni Augsburg2007-03-06presentationIdentity Management, LDAPon Request
Ontologien und Wortnetze in TextGridPeter GietzUniversität Trier2007-06-04presentationSemantic Web, Ontology, TextGridon Request
Workshop Identity ManagementPeter GietzUniversität Trier2007-06-04presentationIdentity Managementon Request
LDAP und Security - Identity Management, Authentifizierung, Authorisierung und VerschlüsselungPeter GietzZentrum für Datenverarbeitung der Universität Tübingen2005-06-15presentationLDAP, Security, Identity Management, Authentication, Authorization, Encryption, PGP
Personenschema für das HIS-LDAP-ProjektPeter GietzZKI Arbeitskreis Verzeichnisdienste, Tübingen2005-06-28presentationSchema, HIS, LDAP
Projekt HIS-LDAP - Standardbasierte LDAP-Schemata für Personen- und Organisationsdaten und Spezifikation des HIS-LDAP-SchemasPeter Gietz2005-07-04documentHIS, LDAP, HIS-LDAP, Schema, Educationon Request
igher-Education Person: A Comparative Analysis of Collaborative Public LDAP Person Object Classes in Higher-EducationPeter Gietz, Brendan Bellina2005-11-21documentEducation, LDAP, Schema, Objectclasson Request
DFN-AAI Technische und organisatorische Voraussetzungen - AttributePeter Gietz, Jochen Lienhard, Siegfried Makedanz, Bernd Oberknapp, Hans Pfeiffenberger, Jürgen Rauschenbach, Ato Ruppert, Renate Schroeder2006-11-30documentDFN-AAI, Eductaion, Attributeon Request
Kooperationsmöglichkeiten von Rechenzentren mit DARIAH-DEHütter, Heiko / Gietz, PeterKooperation von Rechenzentren. Governance und Steuerung - Organisation, Rechtsgrundlagen, Politik, p. 281-292, Hg. De Gruyter Oldenburg2016-10bookISBN 978-3-11-045975-3
Citation segmentation from sparse & noisy data: A joint inference approach with Markov logic networksDustin Heckmann, Anette Frank, Matthias Arnold, Peter Gietz, Christian RothLiterary and Linguistic Computing, Volume 31, Issue 2, 1 June 2016, Pages 333–356, Hg. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities2014-12-08articleThis article presents an approach to citation segmentation that addresses special challenges as typically found in Digital Humanities applications. We perform citation segmentation from Optical Character Recognition (OCR) input obtained from volumes of a printed bibliography, the Turkology Annual. This showcase application features serious difficulties for state-of-the-art techniques in citation segmentation: multilingual citation entries, lack of data redundancy, inconsistencies, and noise from OCR input. Our approach is based on Markov logic networks (MLN) (Richardson and Domingos, Markov logic networks. Machine Learning, 62(1): 107–36, 2006), a framework of statistical relational learning that combines first-order logic with probabilistic modeling. Formalization in first-order logic offers high expressivity and flexibility, and makes it possible to tailor segmentation to specific conventions of a given bibliography. We show that in face of the specific difficulties found with seg...
TextGrid and eHumanitiesPeter Gietz, Andreas Aschenbrenner, Stefan Büdenbender, Fotis Jannidis, Marc Wilhelm Küster, Christoph Ludwig, Wolfgang Pempe, Thorsten Vitt, Werner Wegstein, Andrea ZielinskiProceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing E-SCIENCE ´06. IEEE Computer Society 2006. Amsterdam 20062007-01articleTextGridTextGrid is a new Grid project in the framework of the German D-Grid initiative, with the aim to deploy Grid technologies for humanities scholars working on historical (German) texts. Its two roots, humanities computing and eScience (Grid computing used by research together with modern communication technologies), are the basis for TextGrid to provide pioneer work in eHumanities. After summarizing Humanities Computing and modern network technologies, community expectations in the fields of philological edition and other application areas are set forth, from which functional requirements such as modularity, distribution, etc. are distilled. The first version of the TextGrid architecture was designed in accordance with these requirements, and focuses on openness by standard conformance and encapsulation. It provides storage Grid services via a pure Web Services interface to dedicated Web Services tools for different aspects of text processing, analysis and retrieval. This platform aims to provide easily usable tools for scholars, but also specifies interfaces for external program developers to add functionality.
A concept for attribute-based authorization on D-Grid resourcesRalf Groeper, Christian Grimm, Siegfried Makedanz, Hans Pfeiffenberger, Wolfgang Ziegler, Peter Gietz, Michael SchiffersFuture Generation Computer Systems, Volume 25, Issue 3, March 2009, Pages 275-2802009-03articleAttribute-based authorisation, VO-management, VOMS/VOMRS, GridShib, ShibbolethIn Germany’s D-Grid project numerous Grid communities are working together to provide a common overarching Grid infrastructure. The major aims of D-Grid are the integration of existing Grid deployments and their interoperability. The challenge lies in the heterogeneity of the current implementations: three Grid middleware stacks and different Virtual Organization management approaches have to be embraced to achieve the intended goals. In this article we focus on the implementation of an attribute-based authorization infrastructure that not only leverages the well-known VO attributes but also campus attributes managed by a Shibboleth federation.
IVOM: Interoperabilität und Integration der VO-Management Technologien im D-GridPeter Gietz, Martin Haase, Hans Pfeiffenberger, Michael Schiffers2008articled-Grid, IVOMThe IVOM project [1] requires in work package 2 the specification of both functional and nonfunctional requirements for the VO-management in D-Grid from a community perspective. These requirements will be the driving forces behind the conceptual work in AP3. This paper focuses on the specification of these requirements.
Investigation in the possibilities to reference between the X.521 naming and the Domain Componant namingLuuk Oostenbrink (SURFnet), Diego Lopez (RedIRIS), Licia Florio (TERENA), Peter Gietz (DAASI International)TERENA Task Force LDAP Service Deployment, Deliverable F2003-01-23articleThe aim of this deliverable is to investigate the possibilities to reference between the X.521 [X.521] naming and the Domain Component naming [RFC 2247] as well as the referral mechanisms to set up a Directory Information Tree between LDAP servers via distribution of knowledge information. The results of the DIRECT Project and the current respective IETF efforts are base for this item.
GeoTwain: Geospatial analysis and visualization for researchers of transculturality Matthias Arnold, Konrad Berner, Peter Gietz, Kilian Schultes, Roland WenzlhuemerE-Science Workshops, 2009 5th IEEE International Conference, Oxford, UK, Hg. IEEE2009-12-11articleIn our research cluster on transculturality many projects deal with georeferenced data. This paper offers an introduction to the new project GeoTwain that works on visualisation techniques for such data. Based on an analysis of the global telegraph network as an example of transcultural research using geo-referenced data, the paper derives user requirements by combining experiences gained from previous projects and specifies a set of solutions. It is the aim of GeoTwain to provide easy visualization of 4-D-information based on Google Earth and to grasp spatial relationships embedded in historical evidence to analyse, recombine and disaggregate geo-referenced historical data without having to use more specialized and highly complex GIS Tools. Envisioned visualization with GeoTwain allows for fast and efficient assessment of georeferencing's analytical potential in any given case; it also allows the user to carefully weigh further investments in data enrichment in relation to expected findings. Both the development and application of GeoTwain are embedded in the broader research environment infrastructure called Heidelberg Research Architecture (HRA).
TEI documents in the gridAndrea Zielinski, Wolfgang Pempe, Peter Gietz, Martin Haase, Stefan Funk, Christian SimonLiterary and Linguistic Computing, Volume 24, Issue 3, 1 September 2009, Pages 267–279, Hg. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities2009-05-14articleThis article describes the life cycle of a TEI Document within TextGrid, an eHumanities platform for scholarly text processing, in which structured search is based on the TEI framework and metadata with restricted values. A workbench is provided that offers tools for handling TEI documents, TextGridLab, making it easier to annotate, process, search, and persistently store new digitized texts. The digitization and annotation of the Campe dictionary1 serves as a first test bed. The overall framework of TextGrid is very generic and can handle different types of text (literary editions, linguistic corpora, lexica) as well as heterogeneous data formats (plain text, XML/TEI, images). In fact, the TextGrid repository, TextGridRep, is designed as a digital virtual library over federated archives, where humanities projects are invited to participate. Sharing of data is enabled by means of a grid-based architecture. Specifically the middleware includes most of the treatment of authorization, search, and file management. TextGrid is entirely based on open source software including Eclipse2 and Globus Toolkit.
Access to the DARIAH Bit Preservation Service for Humanities Research DataPeter Gietz, Danah Tonne, Jedrzej Rybicki, S.E. FunkQueen’s University Belfast, Hg. © 2012 IEEE2013-02articleSustainable management of large amounts of research data is gaining in importance for research projects all over the world. The European project DARIAH aims to address this topic for the arts and humanities community. The DARIAH Bit Preservation, as a part of an archiving system for the arts and humanities, allows for a high performance, sustainable, and distributed storage of research data as basis of virtual research environments. A great challenge in designing such a service is to provide a standardized, consistent yet easy-to-use API for accessing the data that remains stable even if backend technology changes over time. As a solution, this paper presents the RESTful API of the DARIAH Bit Preservation which includes an administrative extension, and which is secured by an Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (AAI) based on SAML. An exemplary implementation illustrates that the API offers distributed access by usage of the HTTP protocol and is able to handle a high number of files. Data transfer rates of up to 45 MB/s were achieved for uploading large files in the local network.
TÜBIX 2015 OpenLDAPPeter Gietz2015presentation
Federated Identity Management for Research CollaborationsChristopher John Atherton, Thomas Barton, Jim Basney, Daan Broeder, Alessandro Costa, Mirjam van Daalen, Stephanie Dyke, Willem Elbers, Carl-Fredrik Enell, Enrico Maria Vincenzo Fasanelli, João Fernandes, Licia Florio, Peter Gietz, David L. Groep, Matthias Bernhard Junker, Christos Kanellopoulos, David Kelsey, Philip Kershaw, Cristina Knapic, Thorsten Kollegger, Scott Koranda, Mikael Linden, Filip Marinic, Ludek Matyska, Tommi Henrik Nyrönen, Stefan Paetow, Laura A D Paglione, Sandra Parlati, Christopher Phillips, Michal Prochazka, Nicholas Rees, Hannah Short, Uros Stevanovic, Michael Tartakovsky, Gerben Venekamp, Tom Vitez, Romain Wartel, Christopher Whalen, John White, Carlo Maria Zwölfzenodo, Hg. FIM4R2018-07-09articleThis white-paper expresses common requirements of Research Communities seeking to leverage Identity Federation for Authentication and Authorisation. Recommendations are made to Stakeholders to guide the future evolution of Federated Identity Management in a direction that better satisfies research use cases. The authors represent research communities, Research Services, Infrastructures, Identity Federations and Interfederations, with a joint motivation to ease collaboration for distributed researchers. The content has been edited collaboratively by the Federated Identity Management for Research (FIM4R) Community, with input sought at conferences and meetings in Europe, Asia and North America.
Shibboleth/Federation Operator TutorialDavid HübnerTIIME Workshop 2018, Wien2018-02-06presentation
Shibboleth/Federation Operator Tutorial David HübnerTIIME Workshop 2018, Wien2018-02-06presentation
Shibboleth/Federation Operator Tutorial Hands OnDavid HübnerTIIME Workshop 2018, Wien2018-02-06presentation
Federated provisioning (Why and how)Peter GietzFederation Boot Camp, Vienna2018-02-05presentation
IAM im Rahmen des Open Source Identity EcosystemPeter GietzZKI Verzeichnisdienste, Augsburg2017-09-15presentation
Gestaltung eines Antrags- und Berechtigungs-WorkflowPeter GietzZKI AK Verzeichnisdienste, Chemnitz2017-03-16presentationBerechtigungsmanagement mit didmos LUI am Beispiel der Projekte TextGrid und DARIAH
DAASI International und ShibbolethPeter Gietz ZKI AK Verzeichnisdienste, Mannheim2010-02-08presentation
RBAC mit OpenLDAP: OpenRBACPeter Gietz, Markus WidmerZKI-AK Verzeichnisdienste, Duisburg2010-10-04presentation
SPML-basierte Provisionierung im Identity ManagementPeter GietzHerbsttreffen des ZKI-Arbeitskreises Verzeichnisdienste, Jena2011-10-04presentation
Shibboleth in hochskalierbaren UmgebungenPeter Gietz, Martin HaaseAAI-Forum 64. DFN-Betriebstagung2016-03-02presentation
Nachnutzung des Windows - Login in einer SAML-basierten Föderation mittels Shibboleth Kerberos Login HandlerPeter Gietz, Martin Haase, Mark Pröhl56. DFN-Betriebstagung, Forum AAI, Berlin2010-03-13presentation
Sicherheit für Web-Anwendungen mit SAML2 und OAuth2Peter Gietz13. Tagung der DFN-Nutzergruppe Hochschulverwaltung, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster2017-05-17presentation
LDAPCon 2011DAASI InternationalThird International Conference on LDAP, Print Media Academy, Heidelberg2011-10-10presentation
Pros and cons for using LDAP as backend for an RBAC systemPeter Gietz, Markus Widmer3rd LDAPCon, Heidelberg2011-10-10presentation
Federated Identity Management im Behörden-KontextPeter Gietzopen source berlin, Berlin2011-02-21presentation
Federated Identity Management in der öffentlichen VerwaltungPeter GietzPITS 2012, Berlin2012-09-25presentation
Federated Identity Management in der öffentlichen VerwaltungPeter GietzLinuxtag, Open Source Arena, Berlin2011-05-12presentation
SPML-basierte Provisionierung im Identity ManagementPeter Gietz28. DV-Treffen der Max-Planck-Institute, Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, Bonn2011-09-22presentation
Dariah AAIPeter GietzZKI AK Verzeichnisdienste, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf2018-09-12presentation
DARIAH UpdatePeter Gietz9th FIM4R Workshop, Vienna2015-11-30presentation
DARIAH UpdatePeter Gietz11th FIM4R Workshop, Montreal2017-09-19presentation
Second Training workshop on Trust and Technical Aspects within the CESSDA infrastructurePeter GietzCESSDA AAI Workshop, Zagreb2017presentation
Developer Workshop on Shibboleth and SAML enabling ApplicationsMartin HaaseDARIAH / DASISH AAI Workshop2013-10-17presentation
DARIAH/DASISH Workshop on AAI Workshop on a Federation for eHumanities and eSocial SciencePeter GietzDARIAH/DASISH Workshop, Cologne2013-10-18presentation
Deliverable DNA3.3, Recommendation for service operational models for enabling cross-domain sustainable servicesPeter Gietz, David Hübner, Heiko Hütter5th AARC General Meeting, Athens2017-03-20presentation
DARIAH WG FIM4DPeter GietzBerlin2017-04-26presentation
Wie es Euch gefällt? Perspektiven wissenschaftsgeleiteter Organisationsformen des Datenmanagements für die GeisteswissenschaftenUlrike Wuttke, Patrick Helling und Jonathan Blumtritt für die DHd-AG Datenzentren sowie Alexander Czmiel, Katrin Moeller, Peter Gietz, Kai Wörner, Cosima Wagner und Barbara EbertDHd Blog2019-06-20article
Federated Identity Management for ResearchThomas Barton, Peter Gietz, David Kelsey, Scott Koranda, Hannah Short and Uros StevanovicEPJ Web of Conferences2019-09-17articleFederated identity management (FIM) is an arrangement that can be made among multiple organisations that lets subscribers use the same identification data to obtain access to the secured resources of all organisations in the group. In many research communities there is an increasing interest in a common approach to FIM as there is obviously a large potential for synergies. FIM4R [1] provides a forum for communities to share challenges and ideas, and to shape the future of FIM for our researchers. Current participation covers high energy physics, life sciences and humanities, to mention but a few. In 2012 FIM4R converged on a common vision for FIM, enumerated a set of requirements and proposed a number of recommendationsfor ensuring a roadmap for the uptake of FIM [2]. In summer 2018, FIM4R published an updated version of this paper [3]. The High Energy Physics (HEP) Community has been heavily involved in creating both the original white paper and the new version, which documented the progress made in FIM for Research, in addition to the current challenges. This paper presents the conclusions of this second FIM4R white paper and a summary of the identified requirements and recommendations. We focus particularly on the direction being taken by the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG), through the WLCG Authorisation Working Group, and the requirements gathered from the HEP Community.
Bilanz: Betrieb des DARIAH-DE Coordination OfficeMirjam Blümm, Fabian Cremer, Peter Gietz, Lisa Klaffki, Christoph Kudella, Regine SteinDARIAH-DE2019-02-28article
White Paper for implementation of mappings between SAML 2.0 and OpenID Connect in Research and EducationAlejandro Pérez Méndez, Bart Geesink, Bradley Beddoes, Brendan Bellina, David Hübner, Davide Vaghetti, Heather Flanagan, Ioannis Kakavas, Jim Basney, José Manuel Macías, Keith Hazelton, Leif Johansson, Maarten Kremers, Mark Jones, Mikael Linden, Mischa Sallé, Nick Roy, Nicolas Liampotis, Roland Hedberg, Thomas Lenggenhager, Tom Scavo, Wolfgang PempeREFEDS2018-06-27articleThe goal of this document is to provide a well understood and consistent profile for implementing mappings between the SAML 2.03 and OpenID Connect4 (OIDC) protocols, in the context of use cases in Research and Education. It describes how to map identifiers and commonly used attributes into scopes and claims for use with the OIDC protocol, and vice versa. The document contains three main sections: - A discussion on how to map between identifiers used in SAML and OIDC; - A recommendation for a basic attribute and claims mapping profile, which should be useable with unmodified OIDC clients which implement the standard claims5 of the OIDC core6 standard; and, - A recommendation for an advanced mapping profile, which will leverage the full set of attributes made available by the eduPerson- and SCHAC schema but requires handling additional, (currently) non- standard claims and scopes.
CLARIN AAI and DARIAH AAI InteroperabilityPeter Gietz, Martin Haase8th CLARIN Annual Conference, Leipzig2020-02-07presentation
DisseminationsstrategieMirjam Blümm, Sonja Friedrichs, Peter Gietz, Lisa Klaffki, Beata Mache, Stefan Schmunk, Carsten ThielDARIAH-DE2019articleDigitale Forschungsinfrastrukturen, Dissemination, Digital Humanities, digital research infrastructures, dissemination, digital humanitiesDieses Working Paper gibt einen Überblick über die Digital Humanities-Aktivitäten in der geisteswissenschaftlichen Community, an die sich DARIAH-DE mit seinem Angebot richtet sowie die Maßnahmen hinsichtlich der Einbindung der geistes- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Fachgesellschaften. Mit der Verbesserung des Community-Engagements bei den Fachgesellschaften erhoffte sich DARIAH-DE einerseits, das allgemeine Bewusstsein für den Mehrwert digital unterstützter Forschungsarbeit in einer digitalen Forschungsinfrastruktur zu erhöhen und andererseits den Bekanntheitsgrad von DARIAH-DE in den Fachcommunitys zu steigern, um damit zugleich den Austausch und die Kooperation zwischen Forschenden und Projekten über und mit DARIAH-DE zu fördern. Auf diese Weise sollten nicht nur Forschende erreicht werden, die bereits mit Tools und Methoden der Digital Humanities vertraut sind, sondern auch FachwissenschaftlerInnen angesprochen werden, die keine Vorerfahrungen auf diesem Gebiet hatten bzw. haben.
AARC Blueprint Architecture ReloadedDavid Hübner, Nicolas LiampotisAARC2019-04-18presentation
Protokollübergreifendes SSODavid Hübner71. DFN-Betriebstagung2019-09-24presentation
Migration to a SP-IDP-Proxy in the DARIAH AAIDavid HübnerAARC2018-10-10presentation
Access Control to Research Data in the Frame of FAIR Principles and Open AccessPeter GietzThe Future of Managing Osteological Data in Biological Anthropology, Online2021-03-26presentation
Federated Identity Management for Libraries (FIM4L) – die zweite Seite der MedaillePeter Gietz74. DFN Betriebstagung,, Online2021-03-23presentation
TA4NGI – Evaluation & DesignDavid Hübner, Peter Gietz, Martin Haase, Ali Haider2021-04-15articleNGI, NGI-Pointer, Next Generation Internet, TLS-KDH, TA4NGIThe purpose of this document is to give an introduction to the TA4NGI project funded by NGI-Pointer, its underlying technology and the scope and goals of the technical proof of concepts deliverered by the end of the project. It addresses the project team at DAASI International who is going to work on the project, stakeholders in the NGI-Pointer project and interested third parties, that want to follow the progress of TA4NGI. While this document contains some technical details of the underlying protocols and planned implementations, the goal is not to provide a comprehensive technical documentation but rather a high level overview.
SCIM Overlay for midPointDAASI InternationalEvolveum2023-12-12webinarSCIM, midPoint, REST, APIViewSCIM overlay extends midPoint's existing Rest API with a SCIM interface. This allows to create, modify and delete users. Learn more about the features in this webinar recording led by DAASI International, gold partner of Evolveum. Solutions Engineer Sven Lukrafka talks about architecture, configuration and challenges during the implementation.
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