DAASI International Supports You with Your Keycloak Project

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Working with DAASI International allows you to benefit from the vast experience and broad portfolio of open-source solutions in the area of Identity & Access Management. The different solutions can be customised and individually combined to form an IAM system which perfectly matches any requirement. Keycloak, the popular SSO solution, is the newest addition to this portfolio.

This versatile SSO solution is an identity provider which supports the standards OpenID Connect (OIDC), OAuth2 and SAML. Generally, the software is developed by Red Hat, who also offers an enterprise version of the software called Red Hat Single Sign-On. Additionally, the software includes features such as ID brokering (the external authentication, for instance via social IdPs) and centralised user management. It is possible to easily connect existing user directories, like LDAP or Active Directory. With themes it is also possible to adjust the layout of the user interface (logo, wallpaper, etc) according to preference. Moreover, Keycloak has a very active community, which leads to the software being constantly developed and problems are solved rather quickly. Lastly, clustering makes Keycloak highly scalable.

Already supporting the likes of Shibboleth, SATOSA, Gluu/Janssen, Keycloak is the perfect addition to our portfolio of open-source software. Each solution is best equipped for different use cases. Hence the combination of the different products allows DAASI International to meet the requirements of all types of different organisations. For example, Shibboleth is more commonly found in academic settings as there are large federations in place based on SAML, e.g. DFN-AAI oder eduGAIN. On the other hand, Keycloak is more commonly found as IdP for singular applications as it supports different OAuth2 flows. It also comes with a graphic administration interface, which allows easy administration and configuration. Due to the increasing popularity of Keycloak among the customers, DAASI International decided to officially include Keycloak as supported product. This decision comes after the conclusion of several successful Keycloak projects.

Customers often only have a rough idea of what the IAM system should look like. In such cases the consultants of DAASI International will compile a project plan together with the customer by explaining the advantages of each solution. This way it is possible to determine the best possible combination of products. Thus our services for Keycloak naturally include consulting, support during the implementation, or even support for an already existing Keycloak implementation.

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