„From Data to Knowledge“: The RDA Assembly for the First Time in Germany – DAASI International Is Sponsor

In March 2018, the Research Data Alliance (RDA) hosts its biannual assembly for the eleventh time in succession, as always characterized by the interexchange of research data and the overcoming of interdisciplinary barriers. Now, in 2018 for the first time in Germany, the experts of data-driven science and economy gather in Berlin from 21st to 23rd March with the slogan “From Data to Knowledge”. Among them are scholars, operators of research infrastructures, political decision makers as well as industry-leading corporations and investors. Together they will pursue the question of how the future challenges of a global “data ecosystem” can be faced, and how science, industry and politics can profit from the astounding possibilities of such an interconnection.

As an internationally operating service provider in the fields of data access, data exchange, data security and research infrastructures, DAASI International is glad to be a sponsor of this assembly. DAASI International is a leading open source developer of (Federated) Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Digital Humanities (DH).

“From Data to Knowledge” with DAASI International

DAASI International is committed to various projects in the fields of Digital Humanities, having the focus on solutions for interdisciplinary cooperation with the goal to gain knowledge with the help of algorithms. Next to support and hosting operations, DAASI International is involved in the development of digital research infrastructures, such as

  • the DH infrastructure DARIAH-DE, which supports the humanities with the help of digital resources and methods in education and research. Therefore, the association is providing a digital research infrastructure that preserves research data and offers various research applications.
  • the project AARC I and II, funded by the European Union, that promotes a globally unified federated authentication and authorisation infrastructure (AAI) for education and research.

Sharing Contents with Others – But Securely! Made Possible by (Federated) Identity & Access Management (IAM).

No matter if customer data or research data, your sensitive information should be protected. However, often the joint use of contents offers an additional value that many organisations would like to generate. But due to reasonable concerns regarding data security they avoid getting themselves into a data federation. A Federated Identity and Access Management system guarantees that your data can only be perceived and shared by authorized third parties. This data protection via an access control is made possible by Access Management, which consists of special authorisation and authentication processes. In this way, DAASI International ensures and facilitates an easy and at the same time secure data exchange – an effect that is completely in line with the RDA community. DAASI International is an active member of this community, especially in the special interest group FIM4R (Federated Identity Management for Research).

The topic and the underlying objective of the upcoming RDA assembly is in accordance with the self-understanding and the vision of DAASI International: To contribute to the public welfare by facilitating research and supporting open source technologies as well as open standards. With her sponsoring, DAASI International declares her solidarity with everyone who utilizes the many chances of a broad digitalisation despite its risks, and actively advocates for the promotion of digitalisation and the minimisation of these risks.

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